Make color combinations in this simple puzzle game and reach a high score in this simple and free game for your PC or Android.

Download a version for Windows, macOS or GNU/Linux below. Get the game also from Google Play for your Android 4.0+ device, or stay tuned for the F-Droid version coming soon.


Download 30 MB
rectball-linux-gnu-x86_64.AppImage 33 MB
rectball-macOS-x86_64.dmg 31 MB
rectball-lwjgl3.jar 15 MB

Install instructions

Ready to run versions: use these in case of doubt because you can just double click and open them in most cases.

  • Windows: download the proper ZIP version for your architecture, extract it somewhere, then run Rectball.exe. Because the application is not signed, chances are that you are going to get a SmartScreen warning on first run.
  • GNU/Linux: download the proper AppImage version for your architecture, and if your desktop environment supports it, double click the program on your file manager. Otherwise, chmod +x it in the terminal and run it like ./rectball*.AppImage.
  • macOS: download the proper DMG version for your architecture, extract it somewhere or copy the application to your Applications folder. Because the application is not signed, chances are that you are going to get a warning on first run. Right clic and choose Open to force macOS to allow launching the app.

JAR version: if you have Java 17 or later on your computer, you can download the JAR version and run it like java -jar rectball.jar, or double clicking it if your desktop environment supports it.

Also available on

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ouh yeah!!!!